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Darul Amaan Masjid will be live on Channel S (Sky 777) for fundraising on 6th March 2025 from 5 pm till Fajr.
Please tune in to Channel S Sky 777 and donate generously for your Masjid.

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Ramadan 2025 Time Table
Available Now

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Join us to Build the House of Allah

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Donate For Your Mosque

Darul Amaan Masjid Construction Work in Progress. Please Donate.

We are Inviting You to Join Us to Building the House Of Allah

Whoever builds a house for Allah, then Allah will build for him a house in Paradise. Sahih Bukhari 439, Sahih Muslim 533

Appeal to Muslim Community:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

As you all know the rebuilding of the new Masjid is a huge project. It will be a three-storied building with a basement. In this new building, we will have all the modern facilities to meet today’s requirements and be able to accommodate 1200 worshipers at a time. We will have a separate prayer hall for sisters, classrooms for our children evening madrasa, a library, facility for adult Arabic classes, mortuary, and funeral service. To complete the whole project approximate cost is £2.5million. We are in urgent need to raise a million to start the Construction work. We have strong hope that with the help of Allah (SWT) and help from your kind and generous donations Insha’ Allah we will be able to raise the money and start the work on this project and complete it in a good time. Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is our responsibility to build this house of Allah (SWT), and invest in our hereafter, as Allah’s Prophet SAW has mentioned “One who builds Allah’s house in this world (Masjid) Allah will grant him/her a house in Jannah”.( Sahih Bukhari 439, Sahih Muslim 533)

The management committee of DarulAmaan trust makes an appeal to all Muslims Brothers and Sisters to come forward and donate generously to build the house of Allah and make dua to Allah (SWT) to help us all the way through to complete this work. May Allah give us all the ability to donate in his path, May Allah accept our donations and grant us a house in Jannah. Aameen.

Best Regards 
Darul Amaan Mosque Committee.

Mosque Location

54 Merton High Street, London SW19 1DH

Bank Details

Account Name: Darul Amaan Trust
Account Number: 01541998
Sort Code: 30-96-07
Bank: Lloyds Bank

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